Welcome to New England Legends

New England Legends is on a mission to chronicle every legend in New England one story at a time. We're doing this through our award-winning weekly podcast which has garnered over 4 million downloads in 91 different countries, our award-winning, Emmy-nominated television series on PBS and Amazon Prime, and through our super-secret Facebook group. Come in and join the movement!

Recent Podcasts

  • Ida Lewis - The Hero of Newport Harbor in Rhode Island.
    Podcast 356 – The Unsinkable Ida Lewis
    In the second half of the 1800s, Ida Lewis became a hero and national celebrity for saving many lives in the harbor of Newport, Rhode Island. In Episode 356 Jeff Belanger and Ray Auger check out Lime Rock Island in Newport, Rhode Island, to visit …
  • The Ghost of Bicycle Larry in Randolph, Maine
    Podcast 355 – The Ghost of Bicycle Larry
    In December of 2004, a man claimed he murdered Bicycle Larry of Randolph, Maine. The body was never found, but his ghost has been seen around town ever since. In Episode 355 Jeff Belanger and Ray Auger explore the Narrow Gauge Volunteer Trail in Randolph, …
  • 41 Lunatics Burned to Death in Dover, New Hampshire fire
    Podcast 354 – 41 Lunatics Burned to Death
    On February 9, 1893, a fire ravaged the Strafford County Lunatic Asylum killing 41 people inside. In Episode 354 Jeff Belanger and Ray Auger visit Dover, New Hampshire, to see the memorial to the Strafford County Lunatic Asylum fire. On February 9, 1893, a fire …
  • Podcast 353 – The Ghoul of Chebacco Parish
    In 1817, a grave robber plagued the town of Essex, Massachusetts. Eight bodies were snatched from the local cemetery. In Episode 353 Jeff Belanger and Ray Auger explore the Old Burying Ground in Essex, Massachusetts. Back in October of 1817, a ghoul snatched eight bodies …
  • The Wampahoofus
    Podcast 352 – Hunting the Wampahoofus of Mt. Mansfield
    On Vermont’s Mt. Mansfield, an elusive creature called the Wampahoofus is said to lurk circling the mountain. In Episode 352 Jeff Belanger and Ray Auger hike the trails of Mt. Mansfield in northern Vermont in search of the elusive Wampahoofus. Said to be a cross …

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